Human factors in Risk Assessment

Human factors in Risk Assessment

Risk assessment methodologies are based on objective and intuitiveĀ risk factors, such as probability and impact. Others methodologiesĀ adopt more sophisticated risk factors such as urgency or data quality.Ā Regardless of the efforts of professionals and organization to adoptĀ objective criteria, risk assessment remains largely subjective andĀ emotive.

This article discusses human-related factors or traps that canĀ influence risk assessment.

Motivational bias

Motivational bias represents a conscious or unconscious distortion onĀ perception motivated by personal interest. Examples of riskĀ assessment motivational bias are:
ā€¢ Conscious that bad news donā€™t sell, management minimizingĀ risks because of a personal interest in launching the project;
ā€¢ Subject matter experts may over assess the importance ofĀ specific risks to increase their importance;
ā€¢ People may prefer to underestimate the risk instead ofĀ responding to it;
ā€¢ An organization that launched a project might fail to recognizeĀ that risks were strongly underestimated to avoid acknowledgingĀ that the project is no longer feasible and should be thereforeĀ terminated.

Cognitive bias

Cognitive Bias is a unconscious distortion on perception andĀ decisions. People make decisions quickly, based on limitedĀ information. This ability allows us to function effectively, instead ofĀ waiting until all the information is available and is duly processed. ButĀ our ability to perceive reality with limited information leads toĀ perception mistakes. Cognitive bias may result from several reasons:

ā€¢ Recollection – People will more strongly react to recentĀ experiences. A risk that occurs on a recent project will appearĀ as more likely and severe than a similar risk that is not easilyĀ recalled.
ā€¢ Overconfidence – Another basic human need is feeling safe andĀ under control. While facing uncertainty, people tend toĀ underestimate unfamiliar sources of uncertainty or risks whereĀ they have no control over. While facing an unfamiliar risk,Ā people might feel tempted to minimize it to help build a senseĀ of confidence. Another example of the overconfidence effect isĀ the natural tend to establish narrower confidence levels aroundĀ estimates than actual reality.
ā€¢ Anchoring – Anchoring is a basic human tendency to avoidĀ changing our opinion. Questioning ourselves can be
uncomfortable and troublesome. Risk factors, such asĀ probability and impact, are typically assessed in the beginning
of the project with limited information about those risks. As theĀ project progresses, there will be improved information aboutĀ the risks. Still, human nature might be anchored to the initialĀ risk baseline perception.
ā€¢ Confirmation ā€“ Confirmation bias reflects human tendency toĀ seek data that confirms our perceptions and neglect informationĀ that contradict it.

ByĀ Henrique Moura, PMP, RMP, ACP, EVP, ITIL PRINCE2

Professor of the Introduction to Project ManagementĀ course in the Master in Project Management Program at the University for International Cooperation.

Por |2018-08-11T05:57:13-06:00febrero 16, 2017|CategorĆ­as: Global School of Project Management, Noticias|Etiquetas: , , |

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